The Doctrine of Salvation
The Book of 2 Kings
The Book of 1 Kings
Involvement in this process as the Lord demonstrates what leadership ought to be. •To recognize the depravity of human nature and the amazing grace of God. •To recognize how lives are destroyed when people do what is right in their own eyes.
Doctrine of the Church
This is a systematic study of what the Bible teaches about the Church. Lessons will cover the structure and mission of the church. The course will provide students with understanding of basic terminology used to describe the church in Scripture.
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
This is a systematic study of what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit. Lessons will cover the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. The course will provide students with arguments for the divinity and personality of the Holy Spirit and survey the
2 Samuel
2 Samuel emphasizes how God faithfully raises up a nation led by a king whom God uses to bless the entire world. We will learn how God continued to prepare David to be king of Israel.